Fetching all objects of a resource can be convenient. At the same time, returning too many objects at once can be unpractical from a performance perspective. Doing so might be too much work for the Soundee Producer API to generate, or for your website to process. The maximum number of objects returned is 100.

For this reason the Soundee Producer API only returns a subset of the requested set of objects. In other words, the it chops the result of a certain API method call into pages you are able to programmatically scroll through.

Any API response which contains a list of resources supports query parameters to handle and manage paging through the response data. To paginate the result in your API response, you must add a new parameter to the query.

Page-Based Pagination

You will need to use this pagination if you wish to retrieve specific pages.

pageThe page you'd like to return. In the back-end, page results into offset = (page - 1) * limit.Number
limitLimit controls the maximum of results to return. Default is 30, max is 100.Number

Offset-Based Pagination

To use offset & limit pagination use Offset and Limit query parameters. These are used to specify how many records to return, and which batch of record to return.

offsetAn offset is number of records you wish to skip before selecting records.Number
limitLimit controls the maximum of results to return. Default is 30, max is 100.Number